domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Ubuntu Philosophy and cross-cultural managers

In this task i am going to explain how different cultural phylosophies can be applied for a well management of a company.

Ubuntu is a classic humanist phylosophy of africa that helps the understanding of the world and the relation with the human being. One of the bases of this phylosophy says: "a person is a person throught other people" which is very important at the moment of living or working in community

Some other things ubuntu phylosophy says are that humanity is all bound, that we are humans becouse we belong, it talks about wholeness and compassion. It talks about values of people with Ubuntu, it says they are wellcoming, hospitable, warm, generous and willing to share. And one important thing is that if you have Ubuntu you have to be open and available to others.

Taking Ubuntu as company philosophy can be very beneficial because it can create closer relationships between all workers, helping the well going of the company and creating an harmonious environment.

The understanding of Ubuntu helps team mates to be open and listen different ideas and opinions which is very important at the decision making time so all options can be evaluated and taked into account. This is also important because all team mates will know that each of them are relevant and if they are not working as a team, nor goals or objectives can be achieved.

Being a cross-cultural management it is important to understand every aspect of this phylisophy because it can be really helpful at the moment of creating relations with different employees (taking into account their thinks and opinions for the improvement of company's environment) or at the moment of the negociacion for and open listening and a better negotiation result (trying to find win-win situations).

The fact of being open will let you cross all cultural barriers and can finish in an improvement of relations, activities and results in different company aspects.

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