domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

The corporation

This task is about a documentary we saw in class called "The corporation". Now i am going to talk about how companies work, what happens with labour abuses (ethical or non ethical conditions) and what are their responsibilities.

First of all we need to know how a company works, shareholders put a capital so the company can start and in some times a different person manage the company and the shareholders just recieve their part for putting their money in. knowing this i can proceed to talk about how people get hidden behind a company name to do ilegal things or abuse of people need just with the purpose of making money no matters what.

What should a company do for not acting unethical? pay a salary according to law, pay security or provide security for the workers, keep good sanitary conditions and have infrastructure according to law (for ex. what happened in chile becouse of bad labour conditions)

A question i am going to answer according to my opinion is if companies should have the same legal rights as individuals.

I think companies cant have the same legal rights as individuals because they are very different in many ways, but they should have to make more paper work saying everything about how they take their activities done, how they treat people and what conditions are them working in. Because nowaydays i think companies have a lot of ways of doing what they want because no one can see inside company but workers.
Government should take several actions about companies that are acting against human rights so they wont be doing this again because if not, this giants will keep growing and still more companies will start doing this because its easier and they will gain even more money.
I recommend education as a solution for many society problems, because well educated people wont let companies put them into infrahuman works and also, the most important thing for me, well educated people wont be so ambitious that will put in risk human lives and this chain of pain for a lot of families that have nothing to eat will stop.
One way of stopping this actions could be by not limiting the payment for unethical conditions just to the company, but the shareholders, becouse they were also part of that and did nothing to stop it.
Here i let you a very interesting video about bussines ethics

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