2nd Task.
As first step to introduce you into this topic i would like to define some keywords in order to well undestand.
Organizational Behavior: We can define organizational behavior as all the attitudes and actions of individuals that belong to an organization and how this affect the organizational performance.
Manager: Person who encourages workers and help them by planning and directing in order to achieve goals.
Culture: Shared values, behaviors, beliefs and customs.
I would like to start by saying that as a manager you have to be able to superate all kind of issues and to globalize yourself (by globalize yourself i mean to recognize there are different cultures and people is not the same in every place of the world).
Managers will have to lead the negotiation and seek for the best for their employees and will have to focuse in the main topics (dont discuss irrelevant things) in order to gain the best for its company and achieve goals.
As a manager you have to think as if you were the hole organization becouse at the time of negotiation you are the representative so you have to be serious and linked with the company needs and goals.
Now entering to the cultural part we will have to distinguish and study different cultures we are going to negotiate with because a mistake by cultural issues can lead to a failed negotiation and maybe the broke of relations between companies.
I would recommend to all managers who are going to negotiate with an international organization, to study, to ask and to learn everything possible about the culture so the negotiation will be succesful and rewarding, and maybe the relation between both companies will improve and so the negotiations.
As an example of this i want to show this video in which we can know the importance of knowing the indian culture at the moment of negotiate.
as he says, Indiands love to bargain so you will have to be able to bargain,be very active and make different offers during the negotiation process.
it is a great post, i enoyed to read and watched the video. its very important to know about other cultures and when you will be negociate with them is an excellent recommend to study thr other part, you have to know the counterpart equal or better that your partners. thanks for the video everybody does not know how indian culture is even that they love to bargain in a negotiation process